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+44 (0) 1730 812 177

Contact Us

You can contact us at our telephone number or address below or by using the Contact Form on the right.

If you are enquiring about a particular artwork or about an order delivery or collection it would be helpful if you could include the relevant reference numbers and URN number if applicable.

Please do let us have any comments or questions about the functioning of our website or what we have written, especially if you feel something is not correct.

The Midhurst Gallery

The Mint Market Grange Road , Midhurst , West Sussex. GU29 9LT. United Kingdom.

[email protected]
+44 (0) 1730 812 177
Come and visit our Gallery during our opening hours, or arrange a meeting by appointment.

Opening Hours:
Monday – Tuesday
Thursday - Friday
10:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am - 1.00pm
Saturday - Sunday Closed

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